Initial equality impact assessment screening form

This form records an equality screening process to determine the relevance of equality to a proposal, and a decision whether or not a full EIA would be appropriate or proportionate.



Community Development

Service area

Delivery and Infrastructure

Proposal being screened

Recoverable Grant application to Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land (BIL) Fund


Officer(s) carrying out screening

Alex Robinson, Delivery and Infrastructure Officer

What are you proposing to do?

To seek approval for the submission of recoverable grant funding request to Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land Fund.  Approval is sought from the Corporate Director of Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Resources and the Executive Member for Open to Business to authorise submission of an application of grant funding in the amount of £6,780,994. 


Why are you proposing this? What are the desired outcomes?

The delivery of strategic housing sites is complex and early provision of infrastructure can help to provide a more sustainable new community creating a sense of place.  This can require investment of funds ahead of the receipt of s106 commuted sums.  The provision of recoverable grant funding from Homes England will allow NYC to start delivery of the transport and school mitigation at an early stage in the build-out of the West Harrogate project. 


Does the proposal involve a significant commitment or removal of resources? Please give details.

No.  Delivery of the works has already been identified through the planning applications for the West Harrogate project.  The resources to repay the grant will be collected from developers via the s106 agreements.


Impact on people with any of the following protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010, or NYC’s additional agreed characteristics

As part of this assessment, please consider the following questions:

·       To what extent is this service used by particular groups of people with protected characteristics?

·       Does the proposal relate to functions that previous consultation has identified as important?

·       Do different groups have different needs or experiences in the area the proposal relates to?


If for any characteristic it is considered that there is likely to be an adverse impact or you have ticked ‘Don’t know/no info available’, then a full EIA should be carried out where this is proportionate. You are advised to speak to your Equality rep for advice if you are in any doubt.


Protected characteristic

Potential for adverse impact

Don’t know/No info available



















Sexual orientation




Gender reassignment




Religion or belief




Pregnancy or maternity




Marriage or civil partnership





People in rural areas




People on a low income




Carer (unpaid family or friend)




Are from the Armed Forces Community




Does the proposal relate to an area where there are known inequalities/probable impacts (e.g. disabled people’s access to public transport)? Please give details.

No. Assessment and delivery of the works has already been identified through the planning applications for the West Harrogate project. 


Will the proposal have a significant effect on how other organisations operate? (e.g. partners, funding criteria, etc.). Do any of these organisations support people with protected characteristics? Please explain why you have reached this conclusion.


Decision (Please tick one option)

EIA not relevant or proportionate:




Continue to full EIA:



Reason for decision

The co-ordination of infrastructure across separate allocations and being delivered by different landowners and developers is key to achieving high quality placemaking and sustainable developments at West Harrogate.  These schemes provide the valuable infrastructure required to support Local Plan identified growth; and ensure that existing communities are not negatively impacted by insufficient or ineffective infrastructure. It is concluded therefore that the proposal would not negatively impact any protected characteristics. In fact, the provision of essential infrastructure is likely to benefit these groups and the community as a whole. 


The application for BIL funding will enable NYC to provide key infrastructure at an early stage in the project delivery, which will benefit the new population/community at West Harrogate.

Signed (Assistant Director or equivalent)


